Age - 4 ½ Years to 5 ½ Years
Aim - Preparing for formal education - reading, writing and maths readiness. Build the child's interpersonal skills. Enhance social, language, cognitive, emotional, creative and aesthetic development and developing self independece and self esteem of child.
Method - Playway and Montessori Method
The child is introduced to one new concept or theme
every month.
The content includes:
English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Value Education, World around Us, Hindi Basic Grammar General Knowledge, Celebration of festivals etc.
Syllabus for Senior KG
English Written & Oral
- Cursive Writing - A-Z (Capital/Small)
- Sound Words - a,e,i,o,u,
- Rhyming Words
- Singular Plural
- Opposites
- Use of this/that, these/those
- Action Words
- Gender
- Articles (a, an)
- Use of (He, She, It, On, Under And Yourself)
- Concept of Left-Right, Up-Down, One-Many
- Question-Answers
- Pair Words
- Name The Picture
- Myself
- My Classroom
- स्वर, व्यंजन
- मात्राएँ - आ , इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ॠ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अः,
- रंगों के नाम
- अंगों के नाम
- फलों के नाम
- सब्जियों के नाम
- जानवरों के नाम
- विलोम शब्द
- लिंग बदलो व पहचानो
- दो तीन चार अक्षर के शब्द
- वचन बदलो
- सप्ताह के दिनों के नाम
- महीनों के दिनों क नाम
- वाक्य लिखो व पढ़ो
- Counting - 1-500
- Number Names - 1-100
- Back Counting - 100-1
- Ordinal Numbers 1-10 Before, Between and After
- Even & Odd Numbers
- Tables 2-5
- Put The Correct sign <, >, =
- Increasing Decreasing Numbers
- Shapes
- Months of the Year
- Days of the Week
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
- Skip Counting
- Money
- Time
- Fruit's Name
- Vegetable's Name
- Colour's Name
- Domestic & Wild Animals
- Bird's Name
- Our Helpers
- Home, Sound and Young ones of animals
- Body parts
- Days of the Week
- Months of the Year
- Name on Insects
- National Flag
- 7 colours of Rainbow
- Traffic Lights
- Flower's Name
- Means of Transport (Land, Water, Air)
- Directions (NEWS)
- Seasons Name
- Question & Answers